Some Of The Basics Of Sewer Cleaning

14 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

If you are having a drainage backup in the home, then it may be time to invest in a professional sewer cleaning. If you have no idea what this is, then keep reading to learn a little bit more about the service and also how you can prepare for your professional plumbing appointment. 

Sewer Cleaning Basics

Sewer cleaning is basically the cleaning of the main sewer line that is attached to your home. This plumbing pipe is the large one that collects the wastewater and debris from all of the home waste pipes. The pipe then lets the waste drain into the shared sewage line that runs parallel to the street. 

While the sewage pipe is large and able to accommodate large amounts of waste, it does clog and accumulate with stuck-on debris. This slows the movement of water and other wastes through the home drainage system, leading to backups. 

Grease, solid food particles, toilet paper, and other solid materials are likely to stick to the inside of the pipes. And, sometimes a cracked pipe will be congested with roots from nearby trees. Due to the variation in possible debris, a plumber may use a few different techniques to perform the sewer cleaning. Water jetting involves the use of water at high pressures, much like a pressure washer, to release debris. And, sometimes instead of water, air may be used. 

If tree roots are a concern, then the water may not be strong enough to break apart the clog. In this case, a sharp spinning de-rooting device is utilized. 

Preparing For Sewer Cleaning

If you have scheduled a sewer cleaning, then there are a few basic things that you can and should do to prepare for the service, including finding the cleanout pipe. Your plumber will access the sewer through this cleanout, which is a small white and capped protrusion on your property. The majority of these cleanouts are located outside and close to the home. Look along the edge of the foundation for a three to four inch capped pipe. 

If you live in a cold weather area, then you may have an inside sewer cleanout instead of an outdoor buried one. The capped pipe will look the same, and it can be found in a garage, basement, or crawlspace area. Typically, the pipe can be found close to a drainage line, like one near a bathroom. 

You want to make sure that the cleanout pipe is also easy for the plumber to access, so move objects away from the cleanout as much as you can. Also, think about placing an orange ribbon or flag near the cleanout if the plumber is coming to your home when you may not be there. 
