4 Tips To Help Prevent A Sewer Backup In Your Home

15 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Your sewer system probably isn't something you spend a lot of time thinking about, but it can quickly become the only topic of conversation if a sewer backup ends up bringing wastewater into your home. If you want to make sure this problem doesn't happen to you, here are four tips that can help.

1. Don't Use Your Sink as a Trash Can 

If you do a lot of cooking in the kitchen, you may get into the habit of dumping cooking grease or oil down the garbage disposal. Others may frequently scrape off their leftovers into the drain before they start washing the dishes. Either way, you are creating a potential problem for your drain and sewer system when you do this. Things like grease from food can easily cause a clog and eventually a sewer backup. Get into the habit of getting rid of food and cooking grease into a trash bag and then take this bag outside to the trash can after every large meal.

2. Your Toilet Isn't a Trash Can Either

The same logic you apply to your kitchen drain you should also apply to your toilet. No, we're not saying anyone is putting food down the toilet (at least we hope not) but people do often put things down the toilet that don't belong there. As a general rule, never flush anything besides toilet paper. That means paper towels, diapers, and feminine products should go into a trash can, not the toilet.

3. Trap It

If you've had problems in the past with hair getting clogged in your drains, you can install a drain basket or strainer to keep solid objects from getting into the sewer system. Drain traps are also available for your various sinks throughout the house.

4. Get a Regular Inspection

Finally, perhaps the best tip to follow would be to schedule a regular inspection by a sewer services company. An annual inspection will help you tackle any potential issues before they turn into major problems. A sewer services company may also be able to undo some of the damage you've done by not heeding the above advice by giving your drains a professional cleaning.

If you want to keep water and everything else that goes down your drains flowing freely, don't get dumb or lazy about what you dump into your kitchen sink or toilet. Dispose of waste products like cooking grease in a trash can and for best results, get a regular inspection by a sewer professional.
