How Hot Should You Keep Your House In The Winter?

29 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

There are many debates about how hot your home's temperature should be in the winter, with families sometimes fighting over the dials on the thermostat. While there's no perfect answer, here are some arguments for keeping your house hotter or colder.

The Difference in Outside Temperatures Matters

There is something to be said for having a more moderately heated home. The problem comes when there is a big difference between the temperature of inside air and outside air. It can lead to a dried-out nasal passage which becomes painful and red. A lot of this actually has to do with the differences in humidity as well, so you might want to consider adding a dehumidified to your home to balance out the levels of moisture inside and outside of your home. But, this is one argument on the side of people who like it colder.

A Warm Home Is a Great Boost

Are you rushing home to make it into the warm atmosphere you know and love? One argument for keeping your home hotter during the winter is that it gives more immediate relief from the cold of the outdoors. If you're someone who tends to suffer in the winter months, this is a blessing. However, you can also get great effects from taking a hot bath, drinking hot tea, or sitting in front of a space heater right when you get home.

Energy Bills Are a Consideration

Of course, keeping a home hotter requires you to spend more money on heating, right? Well, you can balance that out quite a bit by keeping your heating repair needs minimal. An furnace inspection before each winter season will serve to correct inefficiencies in your heating system. The result is that your heater can put out more heat without creating such an expensive energy bill.

It's Not How Much Heat, But Where

For families in debate about how hot the house should be during the winter, there is one possible solution. You can reroute your heated air into specific rooms that the freeze-cats spend the most time in. You can come up with a compromise, so that the living room is kept cooler than the dining room, for instance. It sure is nice to curl up with a blanket on the couch, anyway. With many possible compromises to be made, families can work out their differences in the way that appeals most to them. 
